Review: "Le Déclic Créatif"

Cover (fr) of the book 'Le Déclic Créatif'

by Yaron Herman

Note: to the best of my knowledge today, this book is not published in English. Who knows... maybe this review will motivate you to learn and practice French or motivate a translation of the book.

A little while ago, I was looking for material and advices about creativity and I came across a very peculiar book. First, the title was spot on. Second, the author is an artist that I know already, and especially for his creativity.

This book is called "Le Déclic Créatif" by Yaron Herman. Is it really as full of "from the trenches" insights as I was hoping for?

And does it live up to its promise to empower anyone to be creative ?

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Review: Lean Startup

Book cover of 'Lean Startup'

by Eric Ries

I recently decided to revisit a classic, a book published more than 12 years ago and that did not disapoint.

It has all the talk about MVP and feedback loops that have become so commonly discussed nowadays. Plus a few gems that I was happy to pick on that new read.

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Review: Platform Leadership

Book cover of Platform LeadershipBook cover of Business of Platform

by Annabelle Gawer, Michael A. Cusumano et al.

Many years ago a friend of mine recommended a book called Platform Leadership that he had read as part of his own school curriculum.

This book was a blast and dissected with great details and clarity two widely different ways to build platforms, two ways that both shaped the "computer" world we were living in, back then. Mostly focusing on how Intel worked hard to grow the PC industry it occasionally compared their strategy to how Microsoft grew their own "Windows" business.

And the world moved on, and the computer industry as well. So I recently got curious to see if any update existed to that book... just to find that, instead of an update, a whole new book had been written mostly by the same authors: Business of Platforms.

Another blast ensued, and now I'll tell you why.

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Review: Switch

Book cover of Switch

by Chip and Dan Heath

Switch is a book providing a way to think about change, how it impacts our fellow humans and how to facilitate for them - us really - going through it.

The book is really easy and pleasant to read thanks to a perfect balance of real life examples, concrete case studies and a short set of recipes associated to them.

Summarizing its key takeaways here would not be fair as the book ends with its own summary and a very nice layout of its takeaways. So I'll only share the ideas that stood out for me and how I understood the overall train of thought.

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Review: Team of Teams

Book cover for Team of Teams

By General McChrystal et al.

The book's main plot follows the Task force of the US Army in Iraq "after" the second war when it has to adapt to a guerilla-like war against AQI (Al Qaeda in Irak).

The authors build their case for a "team of teams" kind of organisation via a succession of ReTeX accounts from military missions of that time.

They also provide summaries of non-military case studies as a way to explain how this kind of organization is relevant more generally to our current world at large. Interestingly, in doing so they confront some long time business idols like Adam Smith and Taylor and convoke a mix of unexpected (to me at least) figures like Tocqueville, Nelson, NASA's George Mueller or New-York's Mayor Bloomberg.

In some of the final chapters the authors provide a few examples of how they implemented the change in the military Task Force. The insights there are interesting but maybe the part where I would have appreciated more details.

Let's look under the hood of this team of teams.

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7 years of Django in 7-ish days

Spring was quite an "interesting time" for my personal project: WaterOnMars.

Indeed I started to work on adding a new feature (a first in a while but maybe the topic of another post) but each time I was pushing or deploying code I was suddenly getting back warnings unrelated to my changes but pointing at core components like, err... Python or Django versions being deprecated.

So kudos for Python and github developers for making a clever use of warnings and, yes, I admit that using Python2.7 (ending its life in 2020) and Django1.4 (published 7 years ago) in 2019 is lame.

So... migrations !

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Migrations: from Wordpress to a static site with Nikola

This is it ! My first post writen with Nikola and, even better, all my website is now made only of static pages.

After serving me well during the past 12 years, Wordpress (thanks to Automattic and its community) will not power anymore my blog, which I expect to consule less resource and to require only marginally less maintenance.

The new software I'm using to replace it is called Nikola (a big thank you to Roberto Alsina, Chris Warrick and other contributors) and it generates my whole website as static HTML pages.

The flexibility of Nikola allowed me to keep most of the organisation of this site untouched with remarkably few change of addresses for the content but still with a little bit of extra efforts that I'll describe below.

For the most important, though, you can find the blog posts and the photos albums at the same places as they were before.

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Long overdue release of Yapsy

TL;DR: Yapsy v1.12 has been released with fixes for Python3.6 and multiprocessing on windows. So, after 3 years sleeping busy with a fair bit of work and family duties joyful activities, I eventually got some time to actually release Yapsy – the fat-free DIY python plugin management toolkit. There was a fair bit of contributions (compared to the modest size of the project), that I'm sorry not to have released earlier but which bring some nice polishing to yapsy. The most prominent news I think is a better compatibility with modern Python (esp. 3.6) and the resolution of a nasty bug that made the instantiation of plugins in their own (sub)processes (with the Multiprocessing Plugin Manager) impossible on Windows (changelog below).

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