WaterOnMars provides bookmarklets to do basic actions like subscribing to an RSS feed or to bookmark a web page.
Bookmarklets are very handy and they work pretty well with desktop browsers, but mobile browsers hardly support them. Unfortunately, since a few months I've been browsing the net and reading news on WaterOnMars almost exclusively from my (Android) tablet.
A common solution to get similar functionality as bookmarklets on mobile platform is to develop Android-specific applications.
However I did find an alternative solution, which may not be 100% user friendly, but remains quite handy: the
Bookmarklet Free app !

This application makes it possible to use bookmarklets (even user-defined ones)via the "Share" menu that is common to most Android apps. Its main potential drawback is that it only works for bookmarklets that use a URL and a title and nothing else.
The good news is that it's exactly the case of WaterOnMars bookmarklets, and so it allows me to bookmark and subscribe to web sites from my browser easily , which are exactly the main features I would expect from a WaterOnMars Android-app o/
Note: for purist, the "bookmarklet free" application doesn't really allow using bookmarklet but rather web API defined by a URL and a query string.