Theme update: 'serious blue tlog 3.0'
I've just made a major update to the tlog's theme. The theme is now built as a "child theme" of the toolbox theme, which spares me the burden of maintaining a lot of code since there is now hardly anything else to play with than the CSS file. What's more, this 'toolbox' theme leverages the new features of HTML5, so that the tlog is now cutting-edge (at least on the technology side) This has also been the occasion to change quite a few visual details by playing a little more with rounded borders and small shadows, time will tell if it's an actual improvement... The theme can be downloaded here in its latest version. Some resources on the same subject:
- The very famous extension Firebug, is still incredibly useful to play with themes without having to upload any file nor to reload any page in your browser.
- Good to know: the toolbox theme is not provided with the translation files (the .po and .mo that ought to be in the 'languages' folder) but it seems that the translation files for the TwentyTen default theme are compatible (and translated versions of TwnetyTen can be found via the codex).
- More information on 'why using HTML5 for a blog' in an article from Smashing Magazine.