Presentation and instructions
Inspired and helped by the code provided within the
todotxt project, I've written a small plugin for the
Deskbar applet, that makes it possible to manage the todo list (defined according to the todotxt format) from one's Ubuntu desktop, without opening a terminal, but also without being forced to lift the hands off the keyboard ;) The plugin makes it possible to add, list and "mark as done" one's tasks.
To be able to use it you'll need a small python plugin that I've written in order to ease the installation. This plugin is heavily based on the Python code that can be found
there again. The module's file is:
todotxt-1.9-py2.5.egg and to install it you'll need to have the eazy_install tools ... well... installed :) and then you just type:
eazy_install todotxt-1.8-py2.5.egg
Once this is done, download the plugin file: and copy it to:
The plugin should work once you activate it in the deskbar's preferences. The UI is still a little rough but hopefully efficient. Also quite a lot of the todotxt features are not implemented in the UI, and contributors are welcome ((hopefully any further development will take place within the todotxt project)) ! (Some obligatory screenshots at the end of the page)
Of course the sources are available under GPL in this archive:

An action to list all the tasks at once
The task list widget
Selection of tasks matching the keyword
The main strucutre of this deskbar module is inspired by the
RememberTheMilk module that provides that has some functionalities in common and uses the RemembertheMilk todo list webservice.
Of course most, the core functionality of managing a todo list is inspired the libraries provided by the todo.txt project, but I'm repeating myself there, ain't I ?