Minor release for Yapsy 1.10.423

yapsyI've just released a minor version of Yapsy, a small python library for plugin management. Not a big deal actually, just a few adjustments to take into account the feedback from developers of the Nikola project where yapsy is used as a support for the application's modular structure. I also took from them the idea of registering yapsy to coveralls.io which motivated me to add some unit-test just to get the green badge reserved for a test coverage higher than 90%.

Bookmarklets: no-brainer integration of WaterOnMars on Android

bookmarkletWaterOnMars provides bookmarklets to do basic actions like subscribing to an RSS feed or to bookmark a web page. Bookmarklets are very handy and they work pretty well with desktop browsers, but mobile browsers hardly support them. Unfortunately, since a few months I've been browsing the net and reading news on WaterOnMars almost exclusively from my (Android) tablet. A common solution to get similar functionality as bookmarklets on mobile platform is to develop Android-specific applications. However I did find an alternative solution, which may not be 100% user friendly, but remains quite handy: the Bookmarklet Free app !

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WaterOnMars now runs on Bootstrap3

wom-logo-128When I started developing WaterOnMars, the fashionable toolkit for web GUI work was the version 2 of Twitter Bootstrap. Of course, by the time my project reached a truly usable state, the version 3 of bootstrap was released and the version 2 stopped being maintained. Another example of the perpetual obsolescence developers have had to face since the dawn of time (e.g the 70's). Version 3's major feature being its first class support for mobile platform and my main usage of WaterOnMars being via a tablet, migrating was really tempting but I had no idea how much work I'd have to put into it. I did it a few weeks a go though and the good news was that it's been much much easier that I thought.

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fabric: a good assistant for the development of WaterOnMars

wom-logo-128Despite spending currently more time using my WaterOnMars feed reader than developing it, I'm still making small improvements to it. And to make my life easier I could count on a solid little project: fabric ! fabric is a Python based command-line utility designed to help running commands remotely: typically to deploy a web app on a remote server. So I'm using it to deploy WaterOnMars on my personal server and also to deploy the demo version on heroku. But more recently I added fabric's configuration file (the "fabfile") to the sources of the project as an officially maintained helper for development tasks ((well I didn't think of it in such a formal way obviously)). It's now usable to run the test suite, to launch the web app locally, to set-up the db and to deploy it on custom servers.

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